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Category: Inspiration

Congrats on Explore

Congrats on Explore

I started my photography journey on Flickr, back when it was the behemoth of the photo-centered social media scene. I started posting odd, creepy, uncomfortable self-portraits and that triggered some conversation. And then, without understanding, I started to see comments on my pictures that said “congrats on explore!” When I first saw this I had no idea what it meant. “Explore what?” I thought. I quickly came to learn that somehow, for whatever reason (and these things always seem to…

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Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

I’ve been to Kolkata, India on 8 separate trips since 2013. It has become a second home for me. Even the parts that make me uncomfortable – the constant cacophony of blackbirds, or the scents that I’m so unused to – have become a beacon of home. The blackbirds especially. I used to stay awake listening to their sounds; now they lull me to sleep and awake again in the morning. I shot these images in Kolkata. I remember the…

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The Experience of the Artist

The Experience of the Artist

Let us open with one of my favorite poems by Mary Oliver, “A Dream of Trees”: There is a thing in me that dreamed of trees,A quiet house, some green and modest acresA little way from every troubling town,A little way from factories schools, laments.I would have time, I thought, and time to spare,With only streams and birds for company.To build out of my life a few wild stanzas.And then it came to me, that so was death,A little way…

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Stress and Productivity

Stress and Productivity

First, let’s get a show of hands (well you know, virtual hands in the comments) of who considers themselves a creative. And a second hand for who is a professional creative, meaning you do something create for a living. I have been making my living from creativity for 9 years. I used to say that I’m a photographer, but I’m giving that title up. It never resonated, particularly. I do still mainly create images, but that won’t always be the…

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Being Weird is Gold

Being Weird is Gold

In June of 2019 I went to New Zealand. It was winter, but not horrendously cold. Just windy and a little bit biting. I got to speak to 150 creative individuals at NZIPP, a beautiful photography conference in Wellington.  When I started speaking in 2011 at After Dark Education, I was one of the weird one at a weird conference. There were a lot of weird people who were doing things a little off-kilter. I thrived in it. I remember…

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