When I started out in photography I knew that I wanted a gritty feeling for my pictures, so I searched Flickr for free textures. I found them quickly and easily, each accompanied by a note saying “Free for use” and “Enjoy”. Ever since I experienced that kind of generosity I wanted to pay it forward, so each time I shoot a new texture pack I like to release them.

They are split into several downloads based on where they were photographed. All in all this is over 150 textures – I really hope that you enjoy them!

And sorry to those who had trouble downloading. Hopefully all browsers are happy now.


Enjoy some CLASSICS:

154 thoughts on “FREE TEXTURES

  1. Thank you so much for sharing these Brook! You are an amazing person, and really like the redesign of your website. Can’t wait to see more of what you do in the future. God Bless!

  2. Thank you kindly for sharing and promoting your passion for others to be inspired and motivated by.

    You’re a true inspiration.

    Kindest Regards,


  3. Thanks so much for sharing your textures.
    I have been only able to download three folders…Home, Hearst Castle and White Hill Mansion.
    The remaining folders I can’t seem to access. Am I not clicking in the right place?
    All the best

  4. Hey Brooke, Miss you!! Love love love this passion site of yours I just wanted to thank you for you!! And for sharing all that you do… Big hug, Hope we crossed paths again soon.

  5. Great Thx for ur Texture as well as ur awesome Youtube Video.Badly waiting for ur Greattttttttttttttt Class on “Creative Live”.

    Tipu Ahmed

  6. Thank you Brooke for these wonderful textures! You are such an inspiration to us all (especially to us fibromites!). Your talent is beyond compare, and thank you so much for sharing it!

  7. Much thanks for sharing your generous spirit with us. I recently enjoyed your workshop on Creative Live. I am still glowing from your inspiration and honoring your offerings. I learned SO much! I cannot wait to try some new creative photography and editing techniques. Truly, heartfelt thanks, Brooke.

  8. Thank you so much for your generosity, the textures are great and you are helping to amateur photographers like me to start. I love this world and it is beautiful to see that not everybody is thinking on themselves, and can also share….
    It is important not to forget the origins
    Thank you again your work is so fantastic.
    i wish to attend your workshop in Madrid, it would be a dream…
    Happy day!

  9. I have started working with textures only recently and your generosity in sharing these textures is deeply appreciated. Thank you!

  10. Very kind and really great textures. Your passion for art is obviously match by your generosity. Thank you very much.

  11. Thank you for being so generous with your textures and sharing your knowledge! I am very grateful.
    Peace, Judi

  12. Thank you so much Brooke for the wonderful textures and tutorial. I am very touched by your kind spirit and your generosity, not to mention what an unbelievable artist you are. You’ve got yourself a new subscriber!

  13. Thank You for all you do! Your kindness and inspiration is contagious! Your photography is continuously amazing! I love your white wall Wednesday! Just a thank you for sharing yourself and your art. I am learning from you! Keep on creating amazing stuff!

  14. Thank you very much for sharing your textures, I literally downloaded all of them. I love working with textures so this was like an early Christmas for me. I also enjoyed your video. I never really thought about using black and white textures the way you do. I especially loved how you added tint to the textures using curves. It was very knowledgeable and I learned a lot of new techniques that I look forward to executing.

    Take Care,

    1. Thank you for the tutorial AND the textures!! This is exactly what I was just asking about this morning 🙂

      so appreciate the generosity and I plan to pay it forward,

  15. Thank for these wonderful textures. It’s not just your wonderful photography, but you have such a loving, humble, and giving spirit that just amazes me.

  16. Excellent tutorial! I thought I had tried about everything with textures! LOL That is the beauty of Photoshop. Someone else has found another way to do something. Oh, how my use of the program has changed in the past 13 years!

    Thank you so very much for the terrific textures!


  17. This was the best texture tutorial I have ever seen. I have watched tutorials, downloaded textures watched more tutorials and downloaded more textures and never know what to do or when to do it. Your tutorial was excellent and I now have a much better feeling what when to use them and what to use them for. Thank you! Thank you!

  18. Hi Brooke, Thanks for the textures, i will share mine too. I have no words that would illustrate adequately how i feel about finding you and your work.. Love Donna V.

  19. Pingback: Dreams
  20. Hi Brooke

    Thanks for sharing, but is it me do something wrong, can’t download the e-book.

    Love your work 🙂

  21. Hi Brooke,
    thank you for your kind sprit and your being and the way you choose to live.
    You are one of the finest photographers that i know.
    More importantly you are one of the finest beings, living, radiating and sharing love all around you, thus sharing again that there are ways to live a honest , passiaonate, lovefull life for everyone possible to live.
    By sharing in these ways you also heal and show how to heal the world and our lifes around us.
    Thank you for your being again.
    You are an angel. ;o)

  22. Brooke,

    I just heard about you today on a Phlearn tutorial. I am so excited that fate led me to hearing about you and your art. Thank you for sharing your light, art, and kindness with others. It’s so wonderful to see a successful person add such beauty back into the world. Thank you for the free textures and be blessed!

  23. Thank you, Brooke, for tutorial and texture downloads. You are SUCH an inspiration. I have purchased your Creative Live courses, even though I am far off your creative imagination and enjoy your brilliant teaching so much. Go Brooke!!

  24. Thank you! Really appreciate the texture lesson and the free textures. Your work is beyond amazing and your heart seems to be golden. Thank you! You are inspiring!

  25. Pingback: Coffee is Life
  26. Thank you so much for sharing and being such an inspiration to many. I adore your work and am often deeply moved by your honesty and kindness.

  27. You are an amazing person!! Thank you for sharing your talents and and knowledge. Thank you for inspiring so many others to fulfill their dreams of being an artist.

  28. Thank you for sharing these textures! I’m in love with your art and enjoy watching your videos.

    I have very recently started working with textures. Please do stop by my website and take a peek.

  29. Brook, I just want to thank you. You give so much, and help so many people in their creative endeavors. I find this kind of generosity rare and precious today. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge so expertly and freely!

  30. Hello Brooke!

    well, where to start?! I’m an artist/photographer from Montreal ,Quebec, so I apologize in advance for my language mistakes! I do selfportraits aswell. A bit because of you an a bit because of who I am. In fact, when I discovered you about 2 or 3 years ago, I’ve got the kick in the ass I needed to make the pictures I wanted to make and the best model I found was myself! I don’t have anything interesting to tell you really, I just wanted to say Hello and that you are a huge inspiration to me , I love your work and it touches me, the words, the images, the person you are. I’ve watched all of your videos and loved all of your art pieces. Anyway , I just want to say thank you , for being who you are , making the art you make and sharing all that you share!


    Myriam Dunn

  31. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful textures with us Brooke! You are an amazing person with a genius body of work, you inspire me each and every day. Thank you.

  32. Paying it forward by sharing not only is inspiring but very grateful for your kindness and your wonderful vision.

    Do you have any downloads on your backgrounds i.e landscapes,sky, terrain that you use? If so can you point me in the right direction. The muted, “impressionistic” feel is what I have been searching for.

    Many thanks for the inspiration

  33. Thanks, Brooke, for sharing these texture files. You are an inspiration and a unique creative. Best regards,

  34. Thanks so much for the free textures and your tutorials! I appreciate your willingness to share.

  35. Thank you Brooke, I love your art and your teaching- I have taken your Creative Live classes. You are a very inspiring and motivating person, thanks for your generosity

  36. Thanks Brooke for sharing the textures. I only discovered you this weekend and found your videos very informative. I really love your passion it has given me an extra creative boost something I needed. I really enjoyed your Finding Inspiration video. That has been by biggest problem. Oh by the way I have just ordered your book from Amazon. Best regards

  37. Thankyou! I just discovered your work on Creative live and am now a fan forever. Beginning to dabble in composite fine art photography…well studying for inspiration and courage. I am a portrait photographer and excited to challenge myself in this new way. Thankyou for being you.

  38. Thank you for being such a wonderful soul and one of a kind inspiration. I have learned so much from you throughout the years of watching your personal videos on youtube and also some of the conferences and talks you were giving talks on.

    Also Im planing to make some of my very own free resources for photographers in the future as I believe us photographers always have to make sure we grow the community with us along our journeys so its great to see such a big name in photography world always giving back to the little photographers out there.

    Thank you for beeing you!

  39. thank you so much for sharing your textures Brooke, loving your conceptual fine art photo artistry course

  40. Hi Brooke!
    I write to you while I download your textures!
    Thanks a lot!
    Thanks for the book you sent me … I am translating it because although I understand English … it would be better if I did it in Spanish …
    Here the google translator is helping me …
    I love your work, although it has nothing to do with what I do … I love learning from who just does something so different … that’s how I get inspired and believe without copying anyone … I still look for my identity in photography I still have a long way to go .. but finding people like you, so generous they help to continue not to decay … I am the same .. I have taken more free photos than charging
    and I think that everything you give comes back! that’s why I love to give, whenever I give to another I feel how it does me good
    and from what I see you are the same!
    I wish you all the best! That you continue having all the success in the world and inspiration, you deserve it! and so it will be! Just for being like you are!
    Veronica from Aargentina

  41. You’re an amazing artist and I see your work everyday! It’s so generous from you and I appreciate such a gesture, what I can promise is to create from heart with them. Thank you so much from the deep of my soul!!!

  42. Thank you so much Brooke! May I use them in artwork that I’m going to sell? Thanks again

  43. How generous of you Brooke! Thank you so much. I’m going through your class with Sebastian and am loving it. Been a long time follower of your work.

  44. just found out about you on creative live and got a class about your composite because your style is amazing. can’t believe you’ve been doing this for so long now and i’m just finding out.
    and thanks for the texture. its a big part of my work that was missing for the final touch and that you’d give it free too

  45. I am Brazilian and have been a professional photographer for 35 years and I had the great satisfaction of getting to know your work a short time ago. By the way, magnificent! You are a charming and extremely generous person. Congratulations on being who you are. And I am immensely grateful for one more of your generous gestures making these textures available.Thank you very much!

  46. Thank you so much for sharing your textures Brooke! I am looking forward to taking a closer look and using them in my art!

  47. I just bought the 5 day deal and your tutorial is the first one I am watching. I am totally inspired by your creativity! I can’t wait to finish this tutorial and get started creating my own Art! Thank you for also giving me the courage to photograph myself, I am again excited to work on a photography project!

  48. Hey.
    Unfortunately i can’t download a single texture. Nothing happens when i click. How do i go about it? Thank you in advance and best regards.

  49. Hello, as I told you on Instagram , we are trying to publish a self-help book.

    The book is the set of some of my publications, it is composed of my photographs but some years ago I repacked your painting with a specific text and you make part of one of the 8 chapters. You and 25 other artists have been selected to be on this project, your name and your painting are related, in no case are we attacking the right over your creation.

    Please, if you do not want your art and your person to appear in the book we understand and we will respect your decision.

    I look forward to your response.

    Best regards.

  50. I admire you work very much and am heartened by your generosity.

    Unfortunately, when I click on the texture images above nothing happens. Have you discontinued the sharing or am I just holding my tongue wrong?


  51. Hi Brooke I enjoy watching your tutorials, I purchased one of your tutorials I think it was a five day deal. Learning a lot on using the tools for adding things in a photo or compositing. I tried to download your textures but can’t get them to open. I don’t what I’m doing wrong? I also have access to your videos on creative live.
    Ernest Shook

  52. Thank you for the textures and the wonderful inspiration. I am shooting this Saturday and will try to reach beyond seeking only pretty and go for inspired and mystical.

  53. Hi Brooke love you creative mindset. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your textures. I am trying to download but when I click on any of the files nothing is downloading.
    Thank you for sharing

  54. Hey!

    Wauw, for what I can see, the textures are great. And it is so generous of you to share it with others. How can I download some? I tried clicking on it, but nothing happends 🙂 Thank you so much!

    Kind regards,

  55. Querida Brooke me encanta muchísimo tu trabajo. A mi también me gusta crear mundos, esos mundos que existen en mi cabeza que viven en mis sueños. Más bien sueños de cuando estoy despierta que van creándose poco a poco en mi mente. Al descubrirte a ti mi mete comenzó a viajar mucho más. Gracias Brooke por tanto.

    Sólo tengo un pequeño problema, no puedo descargar las texturas,
    ¿Tal vez ya no están disponibles?.
    Un saludo Xusa

  56. I can’t seem to get your textures to work, any chance of sending them to me at [redacted] Thanks Brooke, keep up the great work

  57. Hi Brooke. First of all, I love your images, your passion, and admire that you have been able to make it your career. You are generous with your freebies and that is appreciated. However, I am unable to open, download, save your textures here. Any suggestions?

    Again, thanks so much. I am a great admirer of your work. I used to do staged photography, self-portraits, and images of my daughter, and close friends of hers and mine. Now I do mostly landscapes and still lifes. Call it life changes.

    Most sincerely,
    Liz Hampton-Derivan

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