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Tag: fine art photography

Pursue It Well

Pursue It Well

This was a year of extreme breakthrough for me on many levels. Professionally, I learned what I don’t want to do anymore and what I want to do more of. Cosmically (sure, why not), I learned where my position is in this life and how to better ascertain that (spoiler: it’s wherever I desire it to be). Creatively, I finally brought together ideas I’ve had brewing for nearly a year (more on that later). I learned these lessons by committing…

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Let Your Art Move You

Let Your Art Move You

The end of the year. A time for celebration, holiday, reflection. The end of the year naturally gives way to the start of a new one, and with that a whole host of expectations. One of the biggest expectations is that we will do more next year, and that we will plan, vigorously, to make that happen. We will write resolutions and renew our thirst for betterment. We will push ourselves harder, move farther, and attain more. We must see the destructiveness…

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Sharpening Your Creative Knife

Sharpening Your Creative Knife

Let me talk about something that is taboo: success. I have been successful in my career. Mind you, I was also saying this when I had not made any money yet, so my opinion may not be of sound mind. I remember when I got my first gallery show. I lost money, no one bought anything, and I had just quit my job with the starry-eyed belief that I was about to be wealthy from my art. Despite that not…

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Promoting Passion Convention 2017

Promoting Passion Convention 2017

How do you write about an experience so complex and impactful that the mention of it brings tears to your eyes? How should I explain a dream and a reality rolled into one, such that it gives weight to the significance of the dream and the dream of the reality? This year I hosted my third Promoting Passion convention. I named my blog after my favorite pairing of words – Passion, because it evokes a primal and I daresay sacred…

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You’re Invited

You’re Invited

Revelation sharing time. I had a thought today that transcended any anxieties I have been having about my work, what I will create, and what I will share: I choose to let you see me. I often ponder if I would still create art the way I do if I had no one to share it with. The answer is almost definitely yes, but a very large part of why I love creating is because I love sharing. I used…

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