29/31 July Challenge

29/31 July Challenge

Tell me something – why do you share what you do with others? What draws you into the process of not only creating, but also letting others see what you do?

Is it the desire for connection?
The desire to grow a business?
The desire to make money from your passion?
The desire for accolades?

All of those are valid reasons, and I have felt each of them in their own time. I have been influenced by wishing I was good at something, especially because I grew up never being the best at anything. I really wanted to be accepted because I always felt fundamentally different from my friends – now I cherish that, but I didn’t always.

This morning I shared my shoot for this image live on Instagram. The funny thing about doing that is that it didn’t feel very different from any of my normal shoots, even though I mostly shoot alone. I was still physically alone in the field I was shooting in, except that 1,000 of my friends were with me. The reason why it didn’t feel very different is because now that I have a community – this community – I feel surrounded by love a lot. I feel accepted, cherished even, and like I am part of something.

Every time I go on a shoot, I imagine everyone there with me. I answered an interview this week where someone asked me why I share my work. I thought about it for a while, and then gave the answer that felt more authentic. That is this: when everything seems to fail, when I feel like no one likes my work, I remember that isn’t the point. The point is not for people to love what you do, it is for someone to care about it. For that one person to be touched by what we do in such a way that their thinking or feeling is permanently changed.

You never know when you’ve been that person for someone else. Trust me. Don’t discount yourself, don’t tell yourself that your work could never be that important. I know, because I was that person. I thought no one would care. I thought no one would be impacted. Yet there I was, standing in a field with paint sprayed on my face in a wedding dress, and there you were – caring. Being impacted. Some of you not. Some of you, yes.

Why are you here? It is a desire to care? That is why I show up. I want to care – about something, about someone. I want to care for this life as deeply as possible. Thank you for showing up for me.

Don’t forget to sign up for the 15 Day Content Creation Challenge. Pay what you can, and 40% goes to charity. Registration closes on July 31st.

4 thoughts on “29/31 July Challenge

  1. I think I share my work right now for feedback, because I still consider myself in the learning phase. But I am not sure why I share yet, I think I will discover the answer for this later in my life. I don’t think it is too far off though. 🙂
    I really really love this photo! It came together so well, the sunrise/set that you made from scratch is really natural looking. And everything else about it is just wonderful!
    I don’t have an Instagram account, but I wish I did now. LOL

  2. One part of me sharing is to get feedback, because I love to learn and to grow. But if I am brutally honest with me the most important part is to get the felling to be good at something, to be recognized, to have been worthy of the great gift of life, to make an impact on other people, to be remembered, to help others learn and grow.

    Thanks again for your input, your openness, you being here for us!

  3. I share to be part of a like minded community I guess.
    I do use stock agencies to sell some images for pennies but not my artistic ones, I dont think anyone would pay for those lol
    It’s also good to get feedback too minus trolls of course.
    Lovely light hearted image, sorry I missed you live I didn’t know it was happening and I have an IG account!!, although I dont use it as much as I should. I don’t really “get it” if you know what I mean.

  4. I share my work for all the reasons that you listed and because it keeps me sane. Creating art is something that just makes me happy and sharing it is part of that process for me. You are right, you never know when you’re going to inspire someone and it brings me so much joy when people feel courageous enough to tell me. My community is much smaller right now so I never really thought about how much of what I was doing was inspiring people. It is nice to hear it. I will never stop creatiing. It’s a huge part of me.

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