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Tag: darkness

Promoting Passion Week 78: Creating “The Weight of a Feather”

Promoting Passion Week 78: Creating “The Weight of a Feather”

The STORY A year ago I traveled to France to shoot in the most spectacular location I had ever seen. I got there, concepts planned, props in hand, and I shot all day long, for hours and hours straight. I took the images home, proud of what I had done, and yet I had no desire to edit them. The longer I waited the more I came to terms with the fact that I would never edit them. They had…

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Promoting Passion Week 71: Simple Self-Portraiture

Promoting Passion Week 71: Simple Self-Portraiture

Ever since I started photography I have loved simplicity. Heck, even when I was in film school I would always think to myself: Can’t we just use natural light? And so when I discovered I had full control over my camera and what I produced with it, I ditched the lights and the confusion in favor of simplicity. I have always loved photographing against a blank white wall, and still crave shoots like that. I used to spend hours brainstorming…

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Creating: “The Shadows We Follow”

Creating: “The Shadows We Follow”

Sometimes change is necessary to feel refreshed, inspired, and motivated. It could be something as simple as changing your daily routine. For me, back in November, it was changing my hair color. I made it white/lavender so that I could feel more like a fairytale character. However, after a couple of weeks, that color faded to a bright yellow, and I had lost the inspiration that came with the change. Once my travel schedule settled down I went back to…

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To Serve

To Serve

Even when we don’t try, when we push our feelings and emotions away, when we create with outside inspiration, we put ourselves into what we do. It may not manifest outwardly in an obvious way. It might not be something that you feel deeply connected to. Or it might be in a way that is very personal and intimate. Artists are in touch with something within that reveals itself in all that they do. I am the first person to…

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The Third Hand

The Third Hand

Let’s have an honest talk about why we create. The real insides of what it takes to do what we do, why we do it, and why we keep doing it. Creating isn’t always easy. It can be motivating, inspiring, and downright amazing. But that doesn’t make it easy. Every artist will go through a period of questioning: Am I good enough? Do I deserve to do this? Will anyone care? And finally, the biggest question of all: WHY? That is…

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