White Wall Wednesday: Episode 4

White Wall Wednesday: Episode 4

I think that there might be nothing more inspiring to me than using a simple space in a creative way. From the first time I picked up my camera I began standing in front of white walls (which was all I had, hence the decision) to make my images. It forced me to think of idea upon idea to try and fill the space and make it more interesting than the last. I found myself very frequently using my body and simple props or costumes to fill the space, paying attention to body form and texture as a means of communicating an emotion.

This lead me to finding the simplest Photoshop tools to be able to make my subject pop. My methods were, as many people would tell me along the way, sometimes inefficient or outdated, but it was mine and it was fun. I loved creating in the way that I did, and still do. It might not be the number-one-best-way-as-trademarked-by-“professionals” but I love creating, so I consider it a success.

This is the point of White Wall Wednesday. It doesn’t matter what you have to create with, or what your methods are. Yes, there are things to be learned by everyone at all levels. Yes, my Photoshop skills have evolved as I have grown as an artist. Yes, I will continue to find new ways of creating. But for now, in this moment, it is important that we embrace who we are and where we are in our craft. Never let anyone make you feel inferior because you haven’t been creating as long as they have, or if your methods are different. Are you having fun? Yes? Good. Stick with it and shine.

I hope that you enjoy this editing video! I loved making it and sharing a piece of myself.

Leave me a comment if you found something helpful, interesting,
or if you createdย your own White Wall Wednesday art!

7 thoughts on “White Wall Wednesday: Episode 4

  1. Brooke, I love how soulful this image of yours came out. There is a tenderness and vulnerability I find very touching.

    I did a very quick image last week – quite by accident – that I did in a blank space, i.e. my little studio. This time though I used some black fabric to create a black space as opposed to a white space. I had only intended to take a quick fun snap of me with a square photo frame to use with an article I wrote about why I create my images in square frames… well, the next thing I knew, I had a whole image done ๐Ÿ˜‰ It was so much fun ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
    Image: https://web.facebook.com/MargheritaIntronaPhotography/photos/a.205056416322283.1073741834.165302450297680/599449000216354/?type=3&theater
    Article on my blog: http://www.margheritaintrona.com/#!Life-in-Squares/c20iz/579787ac0cf26623ed904f4c

  2. Brooke, thank you for all the knowledge you share with us, you really have inspired me. I have change my point of view of my art, and my self. I want to share with you one of my first attempts of a full body self portrait using the white wall. It was really liberating and makes me feel very good.


  3. I just finish my first “Rusty Wall Wednesday” (Remember, I don’t have a white wall LOL), even though this isn’t a white wall it could have easily been done on a white wall.
    I’m not 100% happy with this, so if anyone reading this has any thoughts to improve it please say so. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks, for giving me a fresh project, and great video. ๐Ÿ™‚

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