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Author: brookeshaden

7/31 July Challenge

7/31 July Challenge

One week in and I can’t think of a better way to be spending my summer. The mornings are cool and dark and peaceful, my editing sessions are filled with tea and music, and my afternoons are for working. Evenings bring walks and yoga and cooking up new recipes. Nights bring Star Trek and reading. When I began creating images years ago, I was just out of college (technically still in the very end semester), and I had nothing to…

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6/31 July Challenge

6/31 July Challenge

Let me recount for you how this Thursday got renamed to “Replace your eyeballs with mushrooms wrapped in twine” Day. Yesterday I was feeling creepier than usual, so I started chatting with the only person creepier than me (aka, my love) about all the possibilities. I told him this idea I had for string to be going through my eye sockets and out the back of my head and thus attached to some sort of flying object (cloud, airplane, butterfly,…

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5/31 July Challenge

5/31 July Challenge

I went hiking this morning with my love, as we do many times a week, and I wanted to shoot my image for today on that hike. I decided not to film anything so that I could have more time appreciating my morning and less time worrying about if each video is in focus. So, I created a speed edit video for today instead of an “atmospheric” video, but I deem that A-okay. This project isn’t supposed to be any…

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4/31 July Challenge

4/31 July Challenge

Another day, another learning curve. Sometimes I go months at a time never learning anything significant. Since I started this challenge I learn something EVERY GOSH DARN DAY. It is the most beautiful thing. As an artist, do you ever have those moments where you learn something and you simply cannot believe that you didn’t know it sooner? That was me today, in so many ways… “Wow, stop motion is so easy, even when doing it myself with a remote…

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3/31 July Challenge

3/31 July Challenge

Today I went to one of my favorite spots where I live. I go on hikes about 3 days a week so I knew this spot well and I have been eager to shoot there since discovering it. The forest is my sacred place where I feel happiest and most connected. It is my peaceful place. Especially being there early in the morning when no one else is around gives me chills and inspiration. I had come up with this…

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