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Tag: dreams

Promoting Passion Week 98: Little Dreamer

Promoting Passion Week 98: Little Dreamer

My dear friend Marsha invited me to photograph in an old house. She being a realtor had access to it and thought we could do something fun inside. The event grew until there were at least a dozen of us shooting around the house one lazy Sunday, and it was a lot of fun. I found myself hiding though, wanting, or maybe, needing to be alone with my thoughts. I’ve been like that a lot lately. I’ve been craving the…

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Promoting Passion Week 63: Create Your Dreams

Promoting Passion Week 63: Create Your Dreams

So far this year I have been very inspired. Even more than usual, I would say! I’ve been home a lot more than I usually am, and perhaps because of that I’ve had more time to consistently fall into a routine that makes me feel good. The result has been a lot more creating and a lot more experimentation. Just the other day I grabbed my friend and we had a fantastic time in my local sewer. I decided to…

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What is Success, Anyway?

What is Success, Anyway?

I talked to a friend the other day about success, and she said that she has been frustrated by how she has always defined success. Her definition was someone who was entrepreneurial, or someone who has clear focus and determination to start something big. I spoke to another friend about success just before that and she said that she feels unsuccessful because she doesn’t have enough money to move out of her parent’s house yet. And even before that, a…

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Promoting Passion Week 45: Create Your Dream

Promoting Passion Week 45: Create Your Dream

I’ve had a rather crazy schedule this fall season, mostly because of travel and a few deadlines that were wearing on me. Starting in September I traveled to Utah, Nebraska, Washington, California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York. I wouldn’t trade a single one of those moments for anything. Each taught me something about myself and about the world. Travel can be difficult, especially alone, but goodness it can be so illuminating. Even with all the middle seats, layovers and delays, I…

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Reach Greater Depths

Reach Greater Depths

Reach greater depths. Do not allow yourself to be defined by where you are now, but instead by where you are going. The journey is dark, yet when a shining light brightens a dark room it seems more powerful than the same light added to a bright room. Any light, no matter how dim, will guide you through the darkness. When you realize that light must come from within, not from those who may walk beside you, you are infinitely powerful….

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